Nine Amherst residents applied for the open Planning Board positions and were interviewed by the BOS Members on April 13 and 14. A great big thank you to all who applied and participated. They were all outstanding applicants and the BOS had a hard job making the final appointments.
Full Voting Members appointed are:
Brian Coogan
Cynthia Dokmo
Bill Stoughton
Alternates are:
Tracie Adams
Chris Yates
Additionally, John D'Angelo was replaced by Dwight Brew as the BOS ex-officio to the Planning Board.
Subsequently, at the April 22 Planning Board Meeting, new officers were appointed. Here is the current composition of the board:
Full Voting Members:
Arnie Rosenblatt, Chairman
Cynthia Dokmo, Vice Chairman
Marilyn Peterman, Secretary
Mike Del Orfano
Brian Coogan
Bill Stoughton
Dwight Brew, BOS ex-officio member
Christie Houpis
Tracie Adams
Christopher Yates
Welcome to the new members and we all look forward to a collaborative relationship!