The Town's Warrant Articles have been released.
Article 40 Innovative Housing Ordinance Amendment
Are you in favor of the adoption of an Amendment as proposed by petition for the Town of Amherst Zoning Ordinance, as follows:
To amend the Amherst Zoning Ordinance by deleting Section 4.16 Integrated Innovative Housing Ordinance (IIHO).
Pursuant to RSA 675:4,III, the Amherst Planning Board states its recommendation: that it is not in favor of the petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance as proposed.
(The Planning Board voted 0-6-0 not to support this article.)

Please note how this particular Warrant Article has NH State Regulation stated and a bolded "not in favor" listed. while the other Warrant Article does not. If you were to go to Town Hall and view the posting, neither do the other Planning Board Warrant Articles. One has to question the rationale, is this voter intimidation to highlight how "bad" this Warrant Article is and how not in favor of it passing the Planning Board is?
Here is RSA 675:4, III word for word taken from the 2019-2020 Edition New Hampshire Planning and Land Regulation page 468. So please don't fall for it!
"III. Each petitioned amendment shall be placed on a ballot which may be separate from the ballot used to elect town or village district officers. A notation on the ballot stating the planning board's approval or disapproval shall immediately follow the question's description. Any petitions questions receiving an affirmative vote of a majority of the legal voters present and voting shall be adopted except as provided in RSA 675:5. The planning board shall forward to the town or village district clerk all proposed amendments to zoning ordinance , historic district ordinance or building code under this section not later than the fifth Tuesday prior to the date for electing town or village district officers."